Wednesday, January 14, 2009

$200 an ounce silver?

Can it happen? The most widely followed silver analyst in America thinks so. Theodore Butler claims that the bullish factors affecting silver are so combustible they could set off a firestorm of panic buying that would temporarily drive silver to $200 or more per ounce.

Nine Reasons Why Silver Could Spike to $200 an Ounce or More

1) A short squeeze in the futures market.
2) A demand for repayment of millions of ounces of silver sold through leasing.
3)A shortage affecting industrial users who must have silver (Palladium jumped to $1,090 in 2001).
4) Severe inflation.
5) Possibility that real silver does not exist to back up silver storage certificates.
6) Worldwide scramble for silver by retail investors.
7) Complete elimination of the above ground supply of silver (running out of silver).
8) Overwhelming Asian demand for commodities.
9) The deficit between supply and demand grows dramatically wider.

"Nothing in the world has the potential to multiply your net worth like silver." Theodore Butler, silver analyst

Investment Rarities says, "The silver story has yet to come to the attention of the public. Most Americans don't realize how truly important silver is to industry and how strong the demand is. Nor do they know that the U.S. government, which had over 3 billion ounces of silver in 1942, ran out of silver last year. Even the national defense stockpile is gone. And most of all, they don't know that the current shortage of silver is greater than the known world supply. There is not going to be enough silver to go around!"

This blog is going to show you how the system of paper money is failing because of being taken off the gold and silver standard but most of all, what you can do to protect yourself and how to accumulate gold and silver coins and bars to protect yourself. You can actually go through and come out of the recession/depression as wealthy as you want.

Keep in touch and informed.

1 comment:

  1. Good post!

    Are you aware of the folks over at Liberty Dollar?
