Friday, January 30, 2009


*** “I’m not optimistic about the global economy,” says our old friend, Marc Faber. “The next Madoff case – the next Ponzi scheme – is the U.S. government. It will go bust. It is only a question of time.”
When will the U.S. government go bust? When the weight of all the fixes finally crushes it. That is when the last bubble of the entire bubble cycle finally explodes – when the government itself is de-leveraged...when U.S. Treasury bonds crash...and the dollar comes down.
What do you do to protect yourself? There aren’t too many choices. Because you never know when or how it will happen.
“Gold functions as a protection against your central bank doing stupid things,” says Felix Zulauf.
“One day the price of gold will be higher than the Dow Jones,” adds Faber.

Silver was at $12.38 an ounce today and Gold was at $916.80 an ounce. As the dollar sinks, it is believed that Silver can go to $100, $200 or more an ounce and Gold to $2000, $3000 or more an ounce.

There is only ONE program on the net that allows you to get involved in one or more Silver, Gold and Platinum Coin accumulation. Go to the following and enroll today:

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